"A documentary on Freedom of Speech... that will put Michael Moore to shame" - Michelle Fossum

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Holy Sh!t I Actually Did Something Fossum Might Like!

Well hello there everyone that reads this blog!!!!!!!!

Deezie here just making some updates to my glorious blog on my documentary on Freedom Of Speech. I have alot of things to talk about so I have decided to bullet them and leave a short summary of each......

  • City High IS OVER!! (Well atleast for 5 weeks)
  • I won an award for my dedication to my grad project! I FEEL SO ACCOMPLISHED!
  • I started my internship with Celeste Taylor... I must say it is going great! for my first project with her i'm working on an assignment for High Schools to do for Constitution Day (a national holiday that is ment to inform students on the constitution) I'm thinking about making a website and also designing a few small assignments I can have my peers do! Oh and by the way Constitution Day is September 17th 2007!
  • I have a meeting with Celeste, My Mom and my internship manager Patti Kretschman in about 9 hours and 30 minutes regarding a second internship with Celeste from the end of August to the end of November! This basically means 4 more months of something I enjoy.... WHICH IS AWESOME!!!!!
  • As you can from up above I designed a new banner for the header of my blog! I think Fossum will be happy with this one as I incorporated people of freedom of speech that I admire... Jon Stewart, Marshall Mathers and Michael Moore! It's still not in color though due to the fact that I belief dull gray gives it more of a hidden vibe....The hidden secerts of the first amendment! muahahaha!
  • One thing I noticed recently is that i'm becoming somewhat lazy with my blogging too! I have begun to post once like every two weeks and that just isn't acceptable! i'm making a commitment right now that I will blog at least four times a week! if I don't I will hire sixteen ninjas to whoop my a$$!
  • Ok... now onto the censorship I have been using in my post this time.... I usually don't like the censoring of things but since I want City Charter High School to accept this blog as a piece of work for them for my Graduation Project I need to keep a little bit of my words PG-13!
  • Finally......wooooooo we made it! I am playing on contacting Luke Ravenstahl's next week for an interview because the lady I spoke to back in June said to call the first week of August and she could possibly set something up!

Now i'm going to try to get some sleep which will most likely not happen... but hey it's worth a try!

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