"A documentary on Freedom of Speech... that will put Michael Moore to shame" - Michelle Fossum

Sunday, July 22, 2007

It's Just Beginning!

Even with my Graduation Project class ending on Friday... I still have alot of work to do as i'm going to be interning with Celeste Taylor who the PA State Coordinator for People For An American Way Foundation for the next four months.

I have to start assembling my documentary too! this is where my graduation project work gets interesting....

1) I have to call Ravenstahl's office to scheldue an interview
2) I have to go to my internship 4 days a week
3) I have to work on getting more interviews
4) I have to report back to my high school in 5 weeks



1 comment:

Fossum said...


First of all, I do applaud your efforts this trimester. I think you have a lot of passion for your project, even if sometimes that passion is a bit disorganized.

Over the break, I hope you get a lot out of your internship. I am interested to keep updated on your progress through your blog.

Also, I hope that you continue trying to get in touch with Ravenstahl.

In your spare time, here are some links I think might be helpful:

T-shirt furor becomes fight for free speech

Univeristy revises free speech policies

Student has right to website parody

Enjoy your break,

Mrs. F